So friday night I went home and got Bria (brent was ice fishing with some friends) we ate supper but Bria didnt eat much she has a horrible cough. We found out Paxton had bronchitis so I called the ER to see if they thought Bria might have it and if they thought we shoudl bring her in. Turns out bronchitis IS contagious but that the chances that they would give Bria anything at the doctors office were slim to none, so they just told us to watch her breathing for wheezing and to give her tylenol or motrin. YAH tell that to the 9.5 month pregnant lady. Anyway, we played and she went to bed horribly and slept horribly that night. Saturday we were planning on getting Brias 18 month pictures taken, doing some last minute baby shopping (and also try to walk this baby out) and then go out to eat for Jim and Linda's anniversary. Well none of that got to happen, it rained then froze then snowed on Saturday. so we thought it best to stay home. limbs were falling off trees from the weight of the ice!!! LUCKILY our cable worked all day except for the power going off a few times. I could about imagine how Brent woudl have been freaking if the tv didnt work for the game on Sunday!!! so we hung out, Bria took a horrible nap Saturday too. We made a whole chicken saturday night and hung out. Saturday bria slept a bit better but not tha tgreat. still coughing in the middle of the nigth soo hard to make her gag and wake up.
Sunday was better we decided to go grocery shopping. ALL of us. i didnt know how that woudl bode for my grocery budget....Our total was 107 something and with coupons it was 87.24, which means i saved 26% i was soo proud of myslef!! i am hoping that this stocks us up for awhile besides bread, milk produce etc. YAH!
after we went to lunch then home, bria finally took a good nap and I reorganized our pantries, they desperately needed it! and cleaned a bit. then we sat and watched the game, you all know how that turned out. then i tried to go to bed, then at 2am bria wakes up and thinks it is time to getup!! um nope. tried everythign to get her to go back to sleep nothing worked! finally i coudlnt sit in the chair anymore my back hurt too bad, so brent got up with her, needless to say he is home sick today with a stomach bug....bria is at daycare, probably crabby and i made it in to work even though the roads werent that great!
What a great monday huh?
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