Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Charlee Judith

well, life has changed at our house! now we have our 2 under 2. i will save the details but my VBAC (vaginal birth after csection) was successful...barely. Bria loves Charlee and wants to kiss her all the time, she also likes to get into things while i am feeding charlee since she knows it is more difficult for me to get her into trouble. Charlee had some problems sucking early on and they were worried since she didnt eat for over 24 hours, so bottles and formula it is and she is doing better. we sometimes still have to convince her that the bottle is a good thing, but i can tell she isnt starving...ithink she is going to be a chub!!! she gets up about ever 2-3 hours at night and sometimes every hour! she does get a tummy ache sometimes she wants to eat a lot and eats too much sometimes. not sure if we need to switch forumla or not.

i cant believe that she is already 3 weeks old today! time is flying, in a bad way! work wil come too fast.