Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Well I do have a few people done for Christmas and i got some amazing deals! i wont share since the moms check this (i assume) so then they will know what their kiddos are getting, but so far i have sami half done, bryce, mason, parker and gage done. and maddie and emma are done. i also have what we are getting my parents for their anniversary (have to do the work but at least i know what i am gettin ghtem) and we know what we are getting jim and linda for their anniversary and christmas as well. and i have brandice half done too. so really i am doing fairly well. all that is left is lexie, caden, penny, dad, dad, mom, jim bday, linda bday, my name, brents name, and the rest of sami and brandices. oh and jacqueline, bt i know what to get her, and then we have 10 dollar man an dwoman gifts for line christmas, and a 10-15 dollar gift for work. and then the rest of bria and brent.
so i guess writing it out i still feel like i have a lot left to do! but buying little by little is helping.

bria is herself, now she says HI to everything, i mean everything! she still loves to climb on everything too....EVERYTHING! dining room table!

this baby moves and shakes often! i am getting big enough said on that! lol

brent is good shot a 12 point buck this weekend. so he is happy with that, although hewanted to mount it and now has to do just a european mount becuse of the hide on it.

i think that is it. budgeting is going okay we all need reminders on that, anyone else? how you doing?