Wednesday, December 2, 2009

ahh finally on here again!

sorry guys havent posted in awhile. things seem soo crazy and i dont always remember to post here and since i dont often get comments sometimes i forget that people even read this. then am i just posting for myself?? anyway. whats new at the line household?? well lets see. Bria is a little stink pot still. haha, she still is being stubborn and isnt walking. she is soo afraid of falling, yet when she tries to climb on things she has no fear. her new things are saying Hi, Cool and nodding her head yes, thankfully she has not realized how to say no yet. she just ignores me if she doenst want to do something lol. She also is trying to show us how independent she is, she doesnt WANT to go to bed at night lately. ugh! I also think she is teething and maybe getting an ear infection. We took her to the doc yesterday and the doc said she saw something in there that COULD be the start of something, but meds. so we wait and see and until then give her motrin and tylenol as needed.

the new baby...well. i am getting big and fast!! had to order 2 new pairs of dress pants the other day, which is way differnet then with bria. i was in a lot of my regular pants with her up until the end!! Anyway, i am 29 weeks now, so 10 weeks or so left. I am hoping that this VBAC goes well!!

Brent, well he got a 12 pointer at deer hunting rifle season and can only get one doe now, so he has been going mussle loading when possible. otherwise i keep him busy i guess. or try to, he also has been helping dave get his house started before winter, so he is always busy.

Thanksgiving was good, went to Jim and lindas on thursday, ate way too much of course. friday i hung out at home, brent was helping dave, fridya night went out for a 21st birthday, havent been to one of those in ages!! Saturday went shopping with linda, brandice and jade. got a few more christmas presents done. sunday we were supposed to go to kim an dreggies, but emma threw up the night before, and with bria not sleeping well we decided to not chance it. she ended up with a fever anyway that morning, and took a really long nap that we had to wake her up from....

oh i am going to post another post about my new things i have found that you guys can join!! stay tuned!

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