HMMM not sure how I was supposed to get notification of this...but you know. I happened to read Ashley's blog and she tagged me to talk about the "7 things that make me grumpy" and frankly on this rough week at work and it is raining, what a better day to do it!!
1. NOt getting enough sleep. I think I am just one of those people that need more sleep then normal people. It isnt that i need a specific number of hours a night, but MAN if i go too many nights without a good rest...I am crabby! Lately, since Charlee is sleeping through the night and Bria is too it hasnt been too bad. But the last week Bria has been waking up in the middle of the night crying. (we think teeth?) anyway, last night it took me awhile to get to sleep (stressing over some dousche bag at work) and then I finally get to sleep, and get woken up by a text message (from a friend that said she had her baby!) so that didnt make me mad, but then i couldnt get back to sleep thinking about babies, then thinking about what i want to take the girls to do this summer (and i need to get on that since summer is already almost 1/3 over!!) then i get woken up by brent snoring and a car being loud by our house! so rough night! oh and charlee since she went to bed soo early woke up at 1:40am! i wasnt very pleased.
2. when plans change. I like to be prepared, i like to know what is happening, i like to hav ethings set, so when plans change last minute I get mad!! happens sometimes with kids yes, but becuse i have kids it would be nice to know plans!!
3. I get grumpy when people arent appreciative. i mean how hard is it to say thanks??
4. i get grumpy when i am talking to people on my cell on the way home from work and i get to the area that has no service...i mean really? there are still areas in Minnesota with no cell phone service? i mean it isnt lake of the woods or something! geez!!! and because i have kids on the ride home is the best time for me to catch up with people on the telephone.
5. i hate when I get to work havent even got my computer on and someone is already asking me to do osmething or ask me something. i get to work early so that i get a few minutes to get my computer on and check my emails and then go about my day....cant you give me 15 minutes to just get my stuff in order before you ask me questions??
6. i hate when people are late! how hard is it to be on time!!!!
7. hmmm what should i put as my final makes me really grumpy when i dont get me time, alone time, i need it, i crave it. i amnot a sane person without it.
now how do i tag people??? no idea! so please do this on your blog if you wish! happy complaining about being grumpy lol